A downloadable Map editor for Windows

I. Description:

This is a map builder for one of my dropped projects. 

 The editor is used to build tile-based maps. It has multiple layers support, simple import/export feature, an intuitive user interface, and is very light as well. 

However, you are not likely to use it for any other purposes because it only contains 1 map asset.

You can contact me for the source code at my gmail.

II. How to use:


1. Open: open an existing file. There is an existing file for you to test in 'output'->'map.out'.

2. Save: save your current work, saved files are in 'output' folder.

3. Close: clear workspace, it will not affect saved files.

4. Enlarge: add more grids to screen.

5. Layer stack: change layers' visibility and show active layer.


- Scroll: zoom in/out.

- Middle mouse + drag: move the view.

- Left mouse: apply command.

- Right mouse: dismiss command.


- A: add tile. Note that if the tile is placed on an existing tile in the same layer, it will replace the first one. 

- X: delete tile, both add and delete will only affect the active layer.

- Z: choose another tile.

- ctrl + O: open file.

- ctrl + S: save file.

- ctrl + numpad 0: set default view.

TagsSFML, Tilemap


Executable 4.7 MB

Install instructions

First, you download the file and extract it. Inside the extracted folder there is a file called "MapEditor.exe". 

Run it and you can use the editor.

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